


• Specially designed to clean LCD monitor in a safe and efficient way.
• Containing no alcohol substance. (Most of other products can give damage to LCD monitor since they are mainly composed of alcohol or ammonia substances.)
• LCD/CRT monitor
• LCD eye-guards
• DVDs, CDs, CD-R/RWs
• Apply some to paper tissue or cloth that does not generate dust. Rub it against the target item to clean.
• In case of using large quantity of product in industrial sites, pour product into container, dip the items to be cleaned into the container and use a soft brush, etc. to clean the items. This method enables to clean a large number of items in a short period of time.
• Although it is not inflammable, do not use product near fire.
• Use product in well-ventilated area.
• Do not store product in the temperature of 50℃ or higher.
• Product may not be safe to all plastic materials. Make sure to administer pretest before use.